On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 08:56:05 +0200, Markus Schöpflin wrote
Renan Polo Montebelo wrote:
In fact, I'm using Automatic Linking on Windows (http://www.boost.org/more/getting_started.html#auto-link). And I'm sure it's linking because I tested it with # define BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC.
And if I don't use boost::gregorian::from_string(), things work fine.
Hmm, can you please post a minimal compilable example that exhibits this behaviour, then?
Sorry to be so slow in response, but this behavior is actually explainable. In 1.33, date-time is almost entirely a header library. In fact, the from_string() functions are about the only thing that need things from the library. So more than likely his setup for library linking is incorrect. Note that I'd rewrite from_string to use the new i/o code except that it works on older compilers while the new i/o code doesn't. But in 1.34 I'll likely do that b/c I"m going to drop support for old compilers. I might suggest if you want to work around this you can use streaming instead: std::stringstream ss(...); date d; ss >> d; Jeff