As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.
The library built all right (VC++2013), but there was a bunch of warnings when compiling Boost.Spirit (roughly 3000 lines in the log) and Boost.Python (roughly 200 lines); see below. I didn't run the Tests. Question here: Is there an automated way of running the tests with the RC-version, best resulting in a file that can be uploaded manually (I'm behind a Firewall)? If so, what are the requirements and how do you use that tool? (Sorry for the question; I didn't find the Docs on the Website very clarifying.) Regards, Alexander Appendix: Here are some specimen of the warnings: * Boost.Python:
import.cpp d:\programme\python 3.2.2 64bit\include\pymath.h(22) : warning C4273: 'round' : inconsistent dll linkage C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\INCLUDE\math.h(516) : see previous definition of 'round' C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\INCLUDE\xtgmath.h(206) : warning C4273: 'round' : inconsistent dll linkage C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\INCLUDE\math.h(516) : see previous definition of 'round' compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\python\build\msvc-12.0\release\link-static\threading-multi\exec.obj (The others were of similar kind.)
* Boost.Spirit:
named_scope_format_parser.cpp .\boost/spirit/home/support/terminal.hpp(264) : warning C4348: 'boost::spirit::terminalboost::spirit::tag::lit::result_helper' : redefinition of default parameter : parameter 3 .\boost/spirit/home/support/terminal.hpp(270) : see declaration of 'boost::spirit::terminalboost::spirit::tag::lit::result_helper' .\boost/spirit/home/support/common_terminals.hpp(142) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::spirit::terminalboost::spirit::tag::lit' being compiled (The others were of similar kind.)
* Here's the configuration prefix of the log:
Performing configuration checks
- 32-bit : yes - arm : no - mips1 : no - power : no - sparc : no - x86 : yes
Building the Boost C++ Libraries.
- symlinks supported : no - junctions supported : yes - hardlinks supported : yes - has_icu builds : no warning: Graph library does not contain MPI-based parallel components. note: to enable them, add "using mpi ;" to your user-config.jam - zlib : no - iconv (libc) : no - iconv (separate) : no - icu : no - icu (lib64) : no - compiler-supports-visibility : no - message-compiler : yes - compiler-supports-ssse3 : yes - compiler-supports-avx2 : yes - gcc visibility : no - long double support : yes warning: skipping optional Message Passing Interface (MPI) library. note: to enable MPI support, add "using mpi ;" to user-config.jam. note: to suppress this message, pass "--without-mpi" to bjam. note: otherwise, you can safely ignore this message. - zlib : no (cached)
Component configuration:
- atomic : building - chrono : building - container : building - context : building - coroutine : building - coroutine2 : building - date_time : building - exception : building - filesystem : building - graph : building - graph_parallel : building - iostreams : building - locale : building - log : building - math : building - mpi : building - program_options : building - python : building - random : building - regex : building - serialization : building - signals : building - system : building - test : building - thread : building - timer : building - type_erasure : building - wave : building