Matthew Peltzer wrote:
I am trying to use Spirit to parse lines like:
but, name might contain colons also. I've not been able to come up with anything that parses this correctly without swallowing up the rest of the document. Anyone able to help?
Seeing your code would be a good first step in helping you, but I imagine something like the following should work as desired:
+(+(alnum_p | ':') >> ':' >> +(alnum_p) >> eol_p);
I do not think that will work because plus, like the kleene, is
greedy. The second ':' will not ever see the light of day.
Try right recursion:
name = alnum_p | ':';
name_colon = name >> (name_colon | ':');
start = name_colon >> value;
When you do not want greedy iteration (kleene, plus), right
recursion is your friend. The rule name_colon is guaranteed
to end with a colon and name may have colons. Try attached code.
BTW, please post to Spirit's mailing list. It's the proper forum
for Spirit related questions:
Spirit-general mailing list
Joel de Guzman
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Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
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