On 12/03/2015 01:02, Ben Pope wrote:
On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 12:09 PM, Cheng Mo wrote:
Hi, While reading d_ary_heap.hpp from the heap library I was surprised to see a mix of size_t and size_type variables in an index computation (https://github.com/boostorg/heap/blob/master/include/boost/heap/d_ary_heap.h...):
size_type last_child_index(size_type index) const { const size_t first_index = first_child_index(index); const size_type last_index = (std::min)(first_index + D - 1, size() - 1); return last_index; } Isn't this a typo?
Looks wrong to me, arithmetic should probably use the same types.
And what's going on with std::min?
I'm not sure what D is, but that's a fairly basic "constrain to no later than the end of the array" construct. If you're referring to the parentheses around std::min itself, that's a standard defense against #define min(). You might also see this in some code as "std::min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (...)", which is more obvious but also much uglier.