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boost-users@lists.boost.org spake the secret code
I'll do my testing again, but this is inconsistent with what I observed from this example:
When I got the unexpected behavior of a test case executing before the global fixture was initialized, that was in my work environment on a more complicated uni testing project. Using the simple example I created for the documentation, I am unable to reproduce that behavior, but there is still some unexpected behavior. Using these two source files in an executable: http://user.xmission.com/~legalize/boost.test/libs/test/doc/src/examples/glo... http://user.xmission.com/~legalize/boost.test/libs/test/doc/src/examples/ano... I have the following in the code: global_fixture.cpp: BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXTURE(global_fixture) BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(suite, suite_fixture) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(one) BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXTURE(global_fixture2) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(two) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() another_global_fixture.cpp: BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXTURE(global3) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(three) BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXTURE(global4) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(four) I get this output (each fixture does a printout in c'tor/d'tor): global setup global2 setup global4 setup global3 setup Running 4 test cases... suite setup one suite teardown suite setup two suite teardown three four global teardown global2 teardown global4 teardown global3 teardown *** No errors detected What was unexpected was that the global fixtures didn't execute in the order they were encountered in the translation unit(s) (notice that global3 was in the source file before global4, but they were initialized in the reverse order, while the fixtures in the other source file were initialized in the order encountered) and that when multiple global fixtures are present, they aren't torn down in the reverse order in which they are setup, but in the same order in which they are setup. So we don't get symmetric setup/teardown like we do with a test case fixture. In other words, we don't get: global setup global2 setup global4 setup global3 setup ...tests global3 teardown global4 teardown global2 teardown global teardown Since the global fixture registration is done via static initializers, the order in which they are initialized relative to each other is undefined across translation units. C++ makes no guarantees about the order of static initializers between translation units. Furthermore, the global fixture registration creates the global fixtures as observers of the test tree with equal priority and all observers are stored in a std::set with a comparison function that uses the priority. However, since they all have priority zero, then there is no specific ordering to them. This is why global4 is setup before global3, even though global3 appears in the source file before global4. Add this all up and I can't really recommend global fixtures. They only work as you might expect from using test case and test suite fixtures when there is exactly one of them. -- "The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline The Computer Graphics Museum http://computergraphicsmuseum.org The Terminals Wiki http://terminals.classiccmp.org Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com