On 9/26/05, Richard Kaiser
Can anybody tell me, which of the Boost libraries need libs (usually created with bjam)?
As far as I can see, for most of the Boost libraries source code #includes are sufficient. For them, installation step 1 from the "Getting Started"-page is sufficient. Or do I get something wrong?
If you build the whole shebang from scratch you can see which libraries need libs and which don't. In addition, you can look at this file list here: http://archlinux.org/packages.php?op=files&id=5997 The /usr/lib entries will have all the libs with a standard boost build.... I did the hard work for you... the following libraries require .so/.a libraries: boost_date_time boost_filesystem boost_iostreams boost_prg_exec_monitor boost_program_options boost_python boost_regex boost_serialization boost_signals boost_test_exec_monitor boost_thread boost_unit_test_framework boost_wave boost_wserialization