On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Jason Crosswhite wrote:
Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:
I suspect you want a filtered_graph. Just give it predicates that filter
out any points outside the hull. The filtered_graph docs are here:
I am not certain, but when I looked at the filtered graph docs, it seemed that a filter was run on every point in the graph. If that is true, it is exactly what I want to avoid. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Then you probably don't want to use filtered_graph, at least not directly :) Essentially, filtered_graph will apply the given predicates to lists of vertices and edges in the graph in a lazy manner. So if you have filtered_graph<...> g(...); for (tie(v, v_end) = vertices(g); v != v_end; ++v) { // ... } then the predicate will be called once for each vertex in the underlying list of vertices. If you just need to do a depth-first search, then just marking black the vertices that you don't want to touch works fine. If you have other graph operations that you need to do, you might want to use filtered_graph to make those vertices invisible. You could store the in hull/out of hull flag in a vertex property and access that from the filtered_graph predicates, if you wanted to compute the information only once but use filtered_graph. Doug