There are lots of things which I would expect to be in Boost.Asio which are actually in Boost.Beast. Why? Most of it is "helping" code/docs. For example: - Documentation about (and public interfaces to simplify) the creation of composed operations https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/develop/libs/beast/doc/html/beast/using_io/wr... - beast::buffers_cat - beast::test::stream (to be fair, it's in experimental) But now we even have code to work around issues in Boost.Asio which ideally would simply be fixed in Boost.Asio. For example: beast::ssl_stream. I'm personally using all of the above, they are extremely useful. I just supposed it is because there is only one person working on Boost.Asio, and Christopher must be quite busy with life and getting Networking TS into the standard. I was hoping all this would go away by 2020 and I was ignoring the issue. But since now it seems Networking TS will have to wait for 2023... well, I am asking myself how to handle an increasing amount of references to Beast that in a future could change to Asio (potentially with slightly different names/semantics). So I am writing this hoping for some light on the situation.