Hi guys! I am getting a build error during build configuration using Visual Studio 2010: ...found 25 targets... ...updating 3 targets... compile-c-c++ C:\Users\glaure\SvnProject\SW_APP\3rdparty\test\boost\bin.v2\libs\regex\build\msvc-10.0\debug\address-model-64\threading-multi\has_icu_test.obj has_icu_test.cpp libs\regex\build\has_icu_test.cpp(12) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unicode/uversion.h': No such file or directory And more important: compile-c-c++ C:\Users\glaure\SvnProject\SW_APP\3rdparty\test\boost\bin.v2\libs\math\config\msvc-10.0\debug\address-model-64\threading-multi\has_gcc_visibility.obj has_gcc_visibility.cpp libs\math\config\has_gcc_visibility.cpp(7) : fatal error C1189: #error : "This is a GCC specific test case". The error is only reproduceable when i am using the --build-dir option of b2. Example: b2.exe -j8 install --build-dir=C:/boost_test --libdir=C:/boost_lib/release address-model=64 --prefix=C:/boost --without-python link=shared threading=multi variant=release Of course boost builds successfully, but the problem is that Visual Studio thinks that the build failed. These checks are not done if you build boost within the source tree. Currently I am using boost 1.50 Bye Gunther