Thanks for your fast and helpful response!
One point regarding the "favor_compile_time" approach: I've alrady used it for the outermost and all enclosed submachines already. Unfortunately I couldn't detemine such a deep performance advantage. But one comment makes me a bit sceptical: two days avo you have suggested another user to also use favor_compile_time in context with the eUML front-end and kleene events, but according to your comment it has a disadvantage: the statemachines will lose the hierarchical support. Will this also happen for the functor-frontend? Maybe I've misunderstood something...
There are limitations but it usually compiles a bit faster, plus as the fsm is divided between different TUs, with -j9 (8 submachines + outer) you should see some difference ;-) (supposing you really use several cpp files) The limitation is not the fsm hierarchy, which of course still works. What you lose is the event hierarchy, the capability to use in a transition an event, which is the base class of the event you actually process. Little known feature but useful, unfortunately lost in this mode. And yes, it will happen in all front-ends :( Cheers, Christophe