On 09/01/07, chun ping wang
I tried building the boost unordered library and i get like this error.
exactly how do i build the boost unordered library.
You don't actually need to build the library - it's a header only library, the build system is just used for building the unit tests. All you need to do to use the library is make sure both the root directory of boost and the unordered library are in your include path. But if you do want to run the tests, the build system should work if you place the unordered directory in the same directory as the boost distribution. Or you can edit project-root.jam and boost-build.jam, from unordered, so that BOOST_ROOT points to the root of the boost distribution. Sorry, this is a bit rubbish, there's probably a better way for 3rd-party libraries to use the boost build system, but right now I don't know what it is. At the very least, BOOST_ROOT should only be in one location. I'll have a look at what other people do. Hope that helps a little, Daniel