"Albrecht Fritzsche"
since I've read in the documentation
"Boost.Python is known to have been tested in the following configurations: Against Python 2.0 using the following compiler/library combinations: MSVC++6sp4 with the native library. ... Against Python 1.5.2 using the following compiler/library: MSVC++6sp4 MSVC++6sp4/STLport 4.0"
and since I am using the MSVC++6sp4/STLport 4.0 combination I deinstalled Python 2.2 (for which the build failed) and installed Python 1.5.2.
1. Get the latest CVS state. Release 1.27 is broken in several ways. 2. Look at the current state of compiler interoperability at libs/python/doc/index.html, or online at http://makeashorterlink.com/?R52A12AC
What am I doing wrong? By the way, all of the other libs including tests are compiling with Jam without any problems at all.
Part of it has to do with configuring Python. The latest CVS state will give you instructions when you try to build if you're badly misconfigured.
And, as a second quesion, why is there no MSVC++6sp4/STLport 4.0 support for the newer Python versions - by the way, there is already a Python v2.2.
The library works with Python 2.2.1 -Dave