Hi, sorry for another problem... i have a simple question to ask...
lets say say i have base class
struct GeomObject
// draws an wire shape
virtual void drawAbstract(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y, const
GLfloat& z) = 0;
// draws a solid shape.
virtual void drawSolid(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y, const GLfloat&
z) = 0;
Now i have bunch of stuff that inherits it..
Like class Circle, class Sphere, class Cylinder, class Cone and all of them
implement drawSolid and drawAbstract (radius base assumed).
I have a function call drawCircle(const std::string& r,
Circle cir(4.0, r); // construct a circle with radius 4.0 and name r
cir.someBoostFunctionParam(x, y, z);
thus if i say drawCircle("solid", &Circle::drawSolid);
drawCircle("abstract", &Circle::drawAbstract);
How do you do that? Or whats the best way to do it.
On 8/22/06, François Duranleau
On Mon, 21 Aug 2006, chun ping wang wrote:
template <class T> boost::function
getVerxFunc3() { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(boost::is_integral<T>::value || boost::is_floating_point<T>::value); return (boost::is_integral<T>::value) ? &glVertex3i : &glVertex3d; } [...]
template <class T> void drawDot(const T& x, const T& y, const T& z) { boost::function
myFunc(getVerxFunc3<T>()); glBegin(GL_POINTS); myFunc(x, y, z); glEnd(); glFlush(); } [just kept one example from the above]
Isn't using boost::function overkill here? I would rather do this:
template < typename T > void gl_vertex( const T& x , const T& y , const T& z ) { // you can use the BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT as above here, or use // boost::enable_if with the same condition around the void return
if ( boost::is_floating_point< T >::value ) { glVertex3d( x , y , z ) ; } else { glVertex3i( x , y , z ) ; } }
or even simply this:
void gl_vertex( GLdouble x , GLdouble y , GLdouble z ) { glVertex3d( x , y , z ) ; }
void gl_vertex( GLint x , GLint y , GLint z ) { glVertex3i( x , y , z ) ; }
and then:
template < typename T > void drawDot( const T& x , const T& y , const T& z ) { glBegin( GL_POINTS ) ; gl_vertex( x , y , z ) ; glEnd() ; }
That should be more efficient and, especially for the second case, is a simpler to read overall.
Anyway, just my two cents.
-- François Duranleau LIGUM, Université de Montréal
"Sacrifices are a necessary factor in creating a new destiny. A small misfortune becomes the cornerstone of a greater happiness." - Emperor Dornkirk, in _The Vision of Escaflowne_
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