thanks to some helpful subscriber of this list, I figured out how to tell the Boost Build System where my Python is: I thus initiated the build by calling
jam -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr/local/python -sPYTHON_VERSION=2.2 \ -sBOOST_ROOT=/home/simons/projects/boost-current -sTOOLS=gcc
but I am still getting lots of errors when trying to compile the latest version. A complete log of the failing build is available at
for anyone concerned. I'd appreciate any help on getting these errors fixed!
Ok, the linker errors indicate that you need to add -lrt to the libraries linked to for multithreaded builds, I'll get that fixed in the gcc toolset description. There are then a large number of apparent failures arising from the link-fail tests - these tests are actually passing (those files aren't supposed to compile and link), but the jam build system is getting a little confused by them - if you run jam again you shouldn't see failures related to those tests again - because they are actually "up to date" now. Finally there are some tests failing because NDEBUG is defined - currently those test cases can only be built in debug mode so that assert actually does something. However this is another issue we need to fix. regards, John Maddock http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/john_maddock/index.htm