On Sat, 5 Jan 2019 at 00:02, Osman Zakir via Boost-users < boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
If I post here which libraries failed, and then show the log file again, will I get more help that way?
I passed arguments "--prefix=C:/Boost" and "--build-dir=C:/Boost_Build", and I have no Boost directory right now even after the build completed. And I had that same "failed updating 44 targets" error again too. But I do have .lib files for the following libraries in the stage/lib directory in C:/boost_1_69_0:
Atomic, Chrono, Container, Context, Contract, Coroutine, Date_time, Exception, Fiber, Filesystem, Graph, Iostreams, Locale, Math_c99 (including f and l ones), Math_tr1 (including f and l ones), Prg_exec_monitor, Program_options, Python37, Random, Regex, Serialization, Stacktrace_noop, System, Text_exec_monitor, Thread, Timer, Type_erasure, Unit_test_framework, Wave, Wserialization.
Your .\b2 command should be finished off by "install", then you'll get in C:\Boost (because that's what's your prefix a include, bin and a lib directory. I use the following b2 line: b2 -a -d+2 -j2 --toolset=clang-win --abbreviate-paths --prefix=%PREFIX% --build-dir=c:\boost-build --without-python --without-mpi --without-graph_parallel --disable-filesystem2 -o%HOME%\clang_log.log "-sZLIB_SOURCE=%HOME%\zlib-1.2.8" "-sBZIP2_SOURCE=%HOME%\bzip2-1.0.6" variant=debug variant=release threading=multi link=static runtime-link=static architecture=x86 address-model=64 instruction-set=haswell install I suggest that you, apart from the "install", add "--abbreviate-paths" as well, as some stuff might be failing due to excessively long path names [longer than 260 characters, which you on Win10 could fix at the OS-level]. There should be 3 stacktrace libs. degski -- *“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop" - Herbert Stein*