John Maddock wrote:
I'm new in regex and this is my first post, so maybe the solution is obvious but I couldn't find it in google...
I need to parse the multiline output of a command, every line ends with a \n except the last one, which actually it ends with the end of buffe ("\0" character). The output I need to parse is something like:
"text1 this is a multiple-word text\n text2 another text" (the second line does not have a newline)
As a result I want only two sub-expression in a line using a regex like:
The first submatch should be the first word ("text1" and "text2"), while the second submatch would be the rest of the line ("this is a multiple-word text" and "another text")
In my program I use regex_search with the boost::match_continuous option, all the other regex objects are created with the default options.
It depends whether you want to capture the newline character or not, if you do then:
would do the trick, otherwise if you don't want the newline character (just the contents of each whole line) then:
Used without the match_continuous flag would do it.
John. Thanks for your reply.
I will try... Best regards, Jordi