Alisdair Meredith [mailto:yg-boost-users@gmane.org] wrote:
"Jim.Hyslop" wrote:
There is a "Known Issues" section on the wiki (see the link in the auto-appended .sig) which is intended to document these common "gotchas". I haven't looked at it for a while, so I don't know how up-to-date it is.
I tried looking there first, and after your message went back for a second look. Perhaps I am being dense, but I really can't find it. Closest match is the 'build issues' page, which I think is for a different thing. 'Search' the wiki did not help either. That's the page I meant - CommonBuildProblems: http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/cgi-bin/boost_wiki/wiki.pl?CommonBuildPr oblems
Could you post a link to the precise page you were thinking about? And I think a more prominent link on the front page may be useful too. There's one under the "Quick Links" section, but as you say it's not very
Sorry about the confusion. Your problem with the lexical_cast is the precise reason I created the page. prominent. Remember, the point of a wiki is that *anyone* can change the information. If you think it deserves a more prominent position, then you are free to give it one :=) -- Jim