Mike Lapshin wrote:
But somewhere after it (i think it is in xml_woarchive destructor) my program falls with "Debug Assertion Failed" (I'm using VC7.1) message: HEAP[test.exe]: Invalid Address specified to RtlValidateHeap( 011B0000, 011F29E8 ) Unhandled exception at 0x77f767cd in test.exe: User breakpoint.
I couldn't swear about it, but that looks like there is a mixup between the debug run-time library and the non-debug one. It happens when you have for instance a DLL compiled in debug mode creating an object (new or malloc) that the application that has been compiled in release mode tries to de-allocate (delete or free) : it triggers those kinds of errors because the debug version and the non-debug version of the run-time use different memory allocators. So make sure your boost library and all other modules are compiled in the same (non-)debug mode. Carl