On Wed, 15 May 2002, Noel Yap wrote:
--- srivatsan raghavan
wrote: anyone know if there are plans to write a unit testing framework in boost? i've checked out unit++ , the interface doesn't seem very intuitive, and it seems rather feature limited and i kinda like CppUnit, but i get the feeling that since it's very similar to JUnit's interface, it's not as c++ friendly as it could be .. anyone know?
I haven't tried unit++. I've been using CppUnit. Since C++ doesn't have reflection, it won't be able to do what JUnit does (ie automagically extrapolate the list of test cases). Although I haven't tried it, I think a script may be written to perform this magic to produce something consumable by CppUnit. Has anyone seen anything like this?
this issue has been discussed on the cppunit-mailinglist:
Volker Boerchers