Hi Rodrigo, To put it nicely, Borland is not one of the most standard compliant compilers. Even the free Gnu C++ is much better. I had to do a lot of workarounds to get iterator adaptors working for Borland... and it sounds like there are still some problems. I suggest reporting this as a bug to Borland. Cheers, Jeremy On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Rodrigo de Salvo Braz wrote: rodrig> rodrig> Hi Jeremy, rodrig> rodrig> Thanks for the reply. Yes, I think it is the compiler too. rodrig> I am using the Borland C++ Builder compiler 5.5 (the free rodrig> command line compiler Borland made available a while ago). rodrig> I am not sure yet I am not making a mistake, because I rodrig> would expect this to be a popular compiler and simple rodrig> things like this to have been found by now. All it takes rodrig> to use the iterator adaptor libraries is including the rodrig> header files, right? rodrig> rodrig> Thanks, rodrig> rodrig> Rodrigo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeremy Siek http://php.indiana.edu/~jsiek/ Ph.D. Student, Indiana Univ. B'ton email: jsiek@osl.iu.edu C++ Booster (http://www.boost.org) office phone: (812) 855-3608 ----------------------------------------------------------------------