1 Sep
1 Sep
4:27 p.m.
Tommy Nordgren wrote:
Building dynamic regular experssion libraries fails on Mac OS X Tiger , when attempting to link against ICU. I would appreciate any hint on how to fix this. All the ICU libraries are present in /usr/local/lib, so I wonder if I need to add -licudata to the build somehow. (As can be seen from the build log, only -licui18n and -licuuc are added to the command line. (I've tried to edit the boost distribution files that refer to theese flags, to also include -icudata , but the command line passed to the tools don't change, so how do I do it)
Try: bjam -sHAVE_ICU=1 linkflags=-licudata Let me know if that fixes things, and then I'll update the build script accordingly. HTH, John.