On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 11:26:12 +0200, Guido Spahn wrote:
when adding a negative number of months to a date(y, m, d), an exception "Month number is out of range 1..12" is raised if the resulting month m2 belongs to a year y2 < y and m2 > m. For example
date(2005, Jan, 1) + months(-1) fails date(2005, Feb, 1) + months(-1) doesn't fail date(2005, Feb, 1) + months(-2) fails date(2005, Feb, 1) + months(-12) doesn't fail date(2005, Feb, 1) + months(-13) doesn't fail date(2005, Feb, 1) + months(-14) fails
I checked it only with release 1.33 using the appended code. There is no problem adding or substracting any positive number of months.
Hopefully I didn't miss this topic in the mailing list archive. Thanks in advance,
This certainly isn't the correct behavior. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Bart