Hi there, I´m new to boost so this might be a silly question. We have a simulation that is written in C++ and compiled as a static lib. It uses a few boost (v1.56) functions like thread. My job is to create a WPF GUI, that uses this lib. For that, I created a C++ CLR DLL which interacts as a wrapper between .NET GUI and the unmanaged libs. Everything works fine but closing my program results in a crash. This crash is described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8144630/mixed-mode-c- cli-dll-throws-exception-on-exit And someone replied, that the reason for this lies in the exception_ptr.hpp beacause a "static exception_ptr ep" is being used instead of "exception_ptr ep". When I delete the static attribute, my program ends normally without the crash. My understanding of C++ is not that big, so I can´t say why it crashes here. But the boost programmers have a reason to do so. I also followed These advices (http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.user/44515) but with no further luck. Best regards, Markus