On 11/10/2018 06:22, John Maddock wrote:
and how do I specify the number of whole number points and decimal points,before starting my operations?
That question makes no sense for integer types.
They're probably asking about fixed-point "integers", not actual integers.
-For these two types, I wish to do sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, base 10 logarithm, base e logarithm, power, nth root. I also want to obtain pi, but also Euler's constant, to any number of significang figure or decimal places that I would like.
Really??? Eulers constant as an integer? I think you need to re-think that question.
Fixed-point is generally inappropriate for these sorts of calculations (or indeed anything beyond basic arithmetic) as it induces too much rounding error. Stick to the floating-point types for these sorts of things.