CW now gives me the same error in operator safe_bool() ...<<<
I'm curious... Do you get an error when you put boost/shared_ptr.hpp in a precompiled header?
No, I had no problems with Boost in precompiled headers so far except with Boost.Function.
I'm using shared_ptr, BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT, lexical_cast, Boost.Threads, pool allocator, iterator adapters, any, ...<
shared_ptr reuses shared_ptr::get as the nonnull value, without a dummy nested class:
// implicit conversion to "bool"
typedef T * (this_type::*unspecified_bool_type)() const;
operator unspecified_bool_type() const // never throws { return px == 0? 0: &this_type::get; }
Perhaps something along these lines will work for boost::function.
OK, I think the problem is that function_base is not a template. This should fix it: diff -r1.33 function_base.hpp 268c268,269 < class function_base ---
template <typename do_not_use = int> class function_base_impl 271c272 < function_base() : manager(0), functor(static_cast
(0)) {}
function_base_impl() : manager(0), functor(static_cast
(0)) {}
287,291c288 < struct dummy { < void nonnull() {}; < }; < < typedef void (dummy::*safe_bool)(); ---
typedef bool (function_base_impl<>::*safe_bool)() const;
295c292 < { return (this->empty())? 0 : &dummy::nonnull; } ---
{ return (this->empty())? 0 : &function_base_impl<>::empty; }
297,298c294,295 < safe_bool operator!() const < { return (this->empty())? &dummy::nonnull : 0; } ---
bool operator!() const { return this->empty(); }
typedef function_base_impl<> function_base;
Bertolt -- Free Crypto Token - FCT www.FreeCryptoToken.org