I tried to use the Boost Thread library with Windows and VC++ 7.1 (.NET IDE)
and STLPort-4.6.2 but I didn't succeed. I tried with:
- boost jam
- generating a DLL from a new project directly in the IDE (dynamic linking)
- including the sources in the exe project (static linking)
The static linking gives me an error with "tss_cleanup_implemented", which
is not accidental but wanted by the developers ("This function's sole purpose
is to cause a link error..."), while the dinamyc linking gives me another
"TestPalantirWrapper error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall
boost::thread::thread(class boost::function0 const &)" (??0thread@boost@@QAE@ABV?$function0@XV?$allocator@Vfunction_base@boost@@@_STL@@@1@@Z)
referenced in function _main"
(it was th thread.cpp example).
A strange thing happens with dynamic linking: using "BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC",
I get the message
"Linking to lib file: libboost_thread-vc71-mt-sgdp-1_32.lib" ,
beginning with "lib", and not the dynamic one (without "lib"). In particular,
generating a DLL from the IDE from the the source files:
(1) requires the library libboost_thread-vc71-mt-sgdp-1_32.lib (why?)
(2) doesn't generate an import library (".lib") but only the .dll
Thank you, Ivan Makale
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