I found another issue with a bad compiler version check in boost/interprocess/detail/config_begin.hpp before using "#pragma GCC diagnostic push", which, for GCC, is only available at version 4.6.0 and later. Since I'm using GCC 4.4.7, my compile fails.
In boost/interprocess/detail/config_begin.hpp, " #if defined(BOOST_GCC) && (BOOST_GCC >= 40000)" is used. There are several other Boost files that look like they have more robust checks. Here are two of them:
· boost/test/detail/suppress_warnings.hpp has "#if defined(BOOST_GCC) && (BOOST_GCC >= 4 * 10000 + 6 * 100)"
· boost/random/detail/disable_warnings.hpp has " #if defined(BOOST_GCC) && BOOST_GCC >= 40600"
Shane Turner
From: Shane Turner
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2015 2:06 PM
To: boost-users@lists.boost.org
Subject: RE: [Boost-users] Boost release 1.60.0 beta 1 is now available from SourceForge
My build fails with Boost 1.60.0 beta 1 due to a change in boost/lexical_cast.hpp that is a revert of a change made in 1.59.0.
The change in 1.59.0 is commit bdc3557. The revert is 424320d9a18b17c55c86012673722ca1b42dcfa9 (https://github.com/boostorg/lexical_cast/commit/424320d9a18b17c55c8601267372...).
The comment for the commit doesn't really explain why the change was reverted.
I'm using GCC 4.4.7 on CentOS 6.
Shane Turner
From: Boost-users [mailto:boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Marshall Clow
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2015 1:12 PM
To: boost@lists.boost.orgmailto:boost@lists.boost.org List