Ken Perry wrote:
I just did
bjam -sTOOLS=MINGW --install
From what I read that is supposed to put the libraries in c:\boost\lib and include in c:\boost\include.. It didn't.
Now I think I did that the way the last reply said to so it should ahve worked any ideas?
OK.. I'll quote *exactly* the command: bjam -sTOOLS=mingw install Which is comparable to what is in the docs at: http://www.boost.org/more/getting_started.html#step5 The differences from what you did: 1. You used "MINGW", it should be "mingw". 2. You used "--install", it should be "install". I just don't know how clearer I can be. HTH. -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com -- rrivera/acm.org - grafik/redshift-software.com - 102708583/icq