21 Aug
21 Aug
9:49 p.m.
Hallo, I just released version 0.5 of bcbboost, a set of patches that enable use of the Boost 1.33.1 libraries with Borland's BCB2006. This is likely to be the last release to be based on this combination of libraries and compiler. As 1.34 will include all the patches included here, I don't expect to issue further releases before a new version of BCB comes out. You can download it from here: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bcbboost/bcbboost-1_33_1-5_8_2-0.5.zip?do... Please post any bug report, suggestion, request for clarification to the project trackers on its SourceForge site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bcbboost/ Cheers, Nicola Musatti