On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 16:53:51 -0500, Doug Gregor wrote:
On Friday 25 June 2004 4:52 pm, Tim Rowe wrote:
The documentation for add_edge() says that the first two parameters are of type boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor. In the example in quick_tour.html it is called with integers (from an enum) as its first two parameters. Is that because:
i. add_edge is overloaded to take integers as the first two parameters;
Not this one; add_edge really does take vertex descriptors, only.
ii. boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor just happens to be an integer type in this case;
Exactly. When the type of the vertex list for an adjacency list is "vecS", the descriptors are just integers. It tends to make many things much easier when this is the case!
Thanks -- is that documented? I couldn't find it. And what about when the type of the vertex list is something else -- is the type of boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor available to the user for anything more than declaring variables to identify vertices?