The existing unit_test main() function is then changed to call a user substitutable function which is required to call unit_test_main().
That is a major drawback - we couldn't rely on user concience. [...] What we are looking is a global fixure feature. And I think an idea of global resetable variable could work. How about something like this: #include <iostream> class global_fixure { public: global_fixure() { pointer() = this; } virtual void setup() = 0; virtual void teardown() = 0; static global_fixure*& pointer() { static global_fixure* p = 0; return p; } protected: ~global_fixure() {} }; template<typename F> class global_fixure_impl : public global_fixure { virtual void setup() { new (m_space) F; } virtual void teardown() { ((F*)m_space)->~F(); } char m_space[sizeof(F)]; }; #define BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXURE( F ) namespace { global_fixure_impl<F> gf; } struct MyConfig { MyConfig() { std::cout << "global setup\n"; } ~MyConfig() { std::cout << "global teardown\n"; } }; BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXURE( MyConfig ); int main() { global_fixure* gf = global_fixure::pointer(); if( gf ) gf->setup(); std::cout << "body\n"; if( gf ) gf->teardown(); return 0; } I should also consider suites with fixures Gennadiy