I've got a fusion set say:
s(...) I'd like to filter out empty optional<double> values when streaming out:
std::cout << s;
so for s(1, 2.0, true) ==> (1,2.0,true)
and for s(3, optional<double>(), false) ==> (2,false)
filter_if's predicate is an a Metafunction returning mpl::bool_ so it looks to me like this won't support run time?
Is there another facility that would achieve the above?
Perhaps you can use a polymorphic function object like: struct output_if_not_none { output_if_not_none(ostream& os) : os_(os) {} ostream& os_; template <typename T> void operator()(const T& t) { os_ << t; } template <typename T> void operator()(const optional<T>& t) { if (t) os_ << *t; } }; for_each(s, output_if_not_none(cout)); It doesn't do the formatting that you desire but it might be a starting point. The problem with trying to do it with the syntax cout << some_function(s); is that the expression some_function(s) needs to have a type determined at compile time. Regards, Nate