W dniu 14.10.2019 o 22:58, Sergey Lukashev pisze:
I will but I'm afraid I cannot update Boost right now. Could you come up with a workaround for this version to define the strategy? Not really. The easiest would be to update Boost to newer version.
You could get the files from the newer version of Boost: https://github.com/boostorg/geometry/blob/develop/include/boost/geometry/str... https://github.com/boostorg/geometry/blob/develop/include/boost/geometry/str... together with all other files that are needed by these two. I can't guarantee that it will work. You'd have to take care about it by yourself. And seeing how many files were changed in the pull request adding these strategies it wouldn't be trivial: https://github.com/boostorg/geometry/pull/438/files What makes it even harder is that it may depend on other changes made before and after it. But I guess you could try to traverse the header files and copy them from the newer version to the point when the code starts to compile and the program calculates correct results. But it is not guaranteed that the library will work this way. Using newer Boost.Geometry with the older rest of Boost is not an option because some libraries we depend on changed around 1.65/1.66 so you'd have to update them too. Approximating the computation with spherical CS is also not an option because I think the spherical strategies were added as well at this point. You can check it out by replacing cs::geographic with cs::spherical_equatorial. Adam