Rodrigo Baroni wrote:
Hi all,
How can I know the size of a stream< io::array_sink > memoryStream( buffer, size ) , after some operations that has filled the stream (the memory) ? Is there some way ?
I don't think so, although if you use a stream< io::array > instead of stream< io::array_sink > you should be able to query the number of characters written by calling ostream::tellp().
//--------------- Compress the content of buffer to compressedBuffer----------------------
char buffer = "Helloooo compressed filter example!"; int SIZE = 10000;
char compressedBuffer = new char [ SIZE ];
io::stream< io::array_source > bufferStream( buffer, std::strlen( buffer ) ); io::stream< io::array_sink > compressedBufferStream( &compressedBuffer, SIZE );
io::filtering_ostream compressFilterOutput; compressFilterOutput.push( io::zlib_compressor( ) ); compressFilterOutput.push( compressedBufferStream );
io::copy( bufferStream, compressedFilterOutput ); compressedBufferStream.flush( ); compressFilterOutput.reset( );
How can I know the size of the compressedBufferStream, or compressedBuffer now?
Here's a simpler way to accomplish the above: #include <iterator> #include <string> std::string compressed; io::filtering_ostream out( io::zlib_compressor() | std::back_inserter(compressed) ); out.write(buffer, std::strlen(buffer)); out.reset(); Now you can query the length with compressed.size().
std::strlen( compressedBuffer ) gives me wrong value.
This is to be expected, since compressed data may contain embedded nulls characters, and the output of zlib_compressor isn't null-terminated.
Thanks in advance, Rodrigo Ferreira Baroni
-- Jonathan Turkanis www.kangaroologic.com