I am using MinGW on Windows to try to compile a working shared binary of Unit Test Framework. My GCC version is the latest for MinGW, 4.5.0, and I used the following line to compile libboost_unit_test_framework-mgw45-mt-1_44.dll: bjam toolset=gcc link=shared --with-test release
I have tried both Boost 1.43.0 and 1.44.0 beta 1 sources, but with each, bjam succeeds and my test program that uses UTF fails with the message dialog: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click OK to terminate the application.
My test program compiles and runs fine on Debian Linux using Boost 1.42.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Yes!! But not with Boost.Test, I simply haven't been able to get any non-trivial program to run correctly when built with MinGW gcc-4.5.0. For example in libs/config/test the config_info program (pretty trivial) runs OK, but config_test (less trivial) crashes and burns with the initialization error. I haven't had a chance to work out what the cause is, and frankly I had thought it was a problem with my MinGW installation as no one else seems to have the issue... Love to know what the answer is yours, John.