AMDG On 03/03/2013 05:56 PM, Dev Guy wrote:
Hi all has anyone been able to build boost 1.53 on Ubuntu without errors?
On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Dev Guy
wrote: Hello I got the following build errors on my linux box building version 1.53.0
gcc.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/wave/build/gcc-4.7/release/link-static/threading-multi/cpplexer/re2clex/aq.o gcc.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/wave/build/gcc-4.7/release/link-static/threading-multi/cpplexer/re2clex/cpp_re.o gcc.archive bin.v2/libs/wave/build/gcc-4.7/release/link-static/threading-multi/libboost_wave.a common.copy /home/yadav/dev/cpp/boost_1.53.0/lib/libboost_wave.a ...failed updating 56 targets... ...skipped 6 targets... ...updated 10989 targets...
All I can tell from this is that 56 targets failed to build. The actual error messages are earlier in the log. In Christ, Steven Watanabe