At 10:03 AM 5/8/2003, richard_fanta wrote:
As a user, having to augment C++ libraries fairly often to meet common needs is an annoyance ... that makes me want to go elsewhere (e.g. back to Java).
I certainly agree with you - C++ users would benefit from more high quality portable libraries. Maybe we can do something about that. Get something started. Let's see, what can we call it? How about... Boost? <g> Seriously, both Boost and the C++ committee's Library Working Group are committed to making more high-quality C++ libraries available, and it seems to be working. Witness the standard library Technical Report now being firmed up. You and other users can help by participating. You don't have to develop libraries to help - just post something on the mailing list, or submit a formal review of new libraries. Tell others about Boost. Every little bit helps. Thanks, --Beman