None of build v2 documentation was in my cvs directory, so I installed
version 1.32 and found it there. After running vcvars32.bat for VC8, my
commands for building are now:
set PYTHON_ROOT=C:\Apps\Python23
set ICU_PATH=F:\Dev\icu-3.2
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;"F:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows
XP SP2\Include"
set LIB=%LIB%;"F:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows XP
tools\build\jam_src\bin.ntx86\bjam --v2 "-sTOOLS=vc-8_0"
Confusingly, that results in the following output:
warning: Python location is not configured
warning: the Boost.Python library won't be built
Building Boost.Regex with Unicode/ICU support enabled
Using ICU in F:\Dev\icu-3.2/include
warning: no toolsets are configured.
warning: you won't be able to build C++ programs.
warning: please consult the documentation.
...found 1 target...
Presumably, the "no toolsets are configured" warning occurs because
vc-8_0-tools.jam does not exist under tools/build/v2. Please will you let
me know exactly what steps are required to build with Boost.Build v2. Also,
will that fix the compilation error in lexical_cast.hpp?
Keith MacDonald
"David Abrahams"
There's no such thing as Jam V2. The bjam you built will work just fine with Boost.Build v2, which doesn't need to be built -- it's entirely contained in interpreted .jam files. -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com