14 Jul
14 Jul
10:39 a.m.
On 07/12/2015 07:48 PM, Florian Lindner wrote:
additionally to the official documentation of boost test at [1], I have found a different version at [2]. This looks like the official documentation but describes much more features and more comprehensive. However, although not the development version at [3]. What does the version from raffienficiaud describes? Is this some own extensions of him?
An improved version of Boost.Test will be part of the upcoming release. That is the one you found the new documentation ([2]) for.
[3] http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk/libs/test/doc/html/index.html
That link is outdated. All Boost code has moved from svn to git, and Boost.Test now resides in: https://github.com/boostorg/test