Actually, I'm making alterations so that the library functioning will better
work with and without compilers that implement any combination of ADL and
two-phase lookup. I hope this solves the issue once and for all.
Robert Ramey
"Bo Peng"
Just to confirm that I encountered the same problem with serialization/vc7.1. My workaround (after 2 day's of playing around) was to actually *use* the serialization template in every classes. That is to say, other than template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int /*version*/) ... I define some "saveThisClass" function to oa<<*this, although this function will never be used.
Please consider adding #define BOOST_NO_ARGUMENT_DEPENDENT_LOOKUP to boost::serialization document.
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 21:44:40 -0800, Robert Ramey
wrote: insert the following two lines at the beginng of your program
#define BOOST_NO_ARGUMENT_DEPENDENT_LOOKUP and your program will compile.
The above two lines supresses usage of ADL with vc 7.1 . I'm not sure what the circumstances are so I can't make a small test case. I'm am coming to believe that ADL on VC 7.1 is broken. The solution above isn't a good one but it does illustrate the source of the problem.
Good Luck,