Visual C++ 14 CTP 4 with BOOST_MSVC_ENABLE_2014_JUN_CTP: compile errors in Graph and Log because of is_nothrow_move_assignable in TypeTraits
OK, I managed to get CTP4 installed and have 2 updates: For Boost.Config: https://github.com/boostorg/config/commit/d9026f1d45f28947024a3f2d393e138ff1... a mostly minor update. For TypeTraits: https://github.com/boostorg/type_traits/commit/5c0474dbc7d6ed28bacf643481398... I suspect you're not going to like the latter as it basically disables working versions of is_nothrow* for msvc-14. The reason is that is appears that Boost.Log ends up using noexcept(non_compiling_expression) which requires SFINAE expression support. I'm not sure about this though because the error messages from the Boost.Log failed build are pretty inscrutable - they refer to boost::spirit::info being undefined when it clearly is, and also the instantiation backtrace goes nowhere, so I suspect a compiler bug and/or noexcept being too immature on this compiler for serious use. I'll double check MSVC-14 noexcept support with the multiprecision tests as they make quite a bit of use of this. Any other libraries? One final question - to what extent should we try to support this compiler in 1.57 given that it's still in alpha? John.