Niall Douglas
Dear Boost,
We've been collecting a list of veteran Summer of Code students where "veteran" means students whom have previously done a Google Summer of Code for Boost. It /may/ be possible for us to acquire enough funding from a number of contributors to tide over ongoing GSoC projects this summer during our year off from Google funding for veteran students only. The stipend to the student would be the same as with Google, $5,500. The mentor stipend would likely need to be waived under any substitute programme.
We would therefore appreciate an update from student and/or mentor as to whether they were intending to submit a continuing GSoC this summer and would be willing to continue work on their Boost library under any funding we find. If we have forgotten any students or projects, please get in touch.
* Boost.Hana, mentored by Joel Falcou. https://boostorg.github.io/hana/
Student: Louis Dionne
Status: Official Boost library
I did not intend to apply to GSoC this summer because I am not a student anymore. For the same reason, I would not be elligible for a stipend from Boost for working on Hana. As a side note, wouldn't this message be better suited for Boost.Devel? Regards, Louis