More specifically, I'm trying to translate the qbk format doc of tree-soc2006 into any other format, say html or pdf, that I'm familiar with. But a single quickbook tree.qbk doesn't work as expected. The output I got is: Generating Output File: tree.xml tree.qbk:43: warning: in column:75, [br] and \n are deprecated. tree.qbk:43: warning: in column:77, [br] and \n are deprecated. tree.qbk:41: error: Syntax Error near column 5. Thanks for any information. B/Rgds Max
Once the necessary tools are set up then a :
bjam pdf
will build docs as a PDF.
You will need to setup an FO processor first though, see https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/BoostDocs/GettingStarted for some guidance.
Thank you John for your pointer. But I cannot open it with my browser, IE or Firefox. The error code given by FF is: sec_error_unknown_issuer.
Perhaps the reason is lack of permission?
B/Rgds Max