I'm using gcc 3.2.3, Boost 1.33.1 on RedHat Linux 3.4.6. I can clearly
see the process memory usage increase as the program runs (using tools
like ps/pmap/top etc). Any ideas or tips to help me figure out what's
going on?
--- Peter Dimov
Zian Smith:
The following program seems to exhibit a memory leak. The program itself does nothing. Can someone explain please? I'm using boost 1.33.1
FWIW, I'm not seeing any leaks with MSVC 7.1 and the current Boost trunk.
#include "boost/lambda/bind.hpp" #include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
void do_nothing(boost::shared_ptr<int> intPtr) {
int main() { while(1) { char c[10]; boost::shared_ptr<int> intPtr(new int); std::for_each(c, c+10, boost::lambda::bind(do_nothing, intPtr)); } }
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