Including boost@lists.boost.org.
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Arindam Mukherjee
One of the things I want to do when I use Program Options is to print the help according to the styles I am enforcing. For example, on Windows if I use allows_slash_for_short, it will make sense for me to reflect that when I print the actual help string. I can't find a way to do this. Any pointers?
I noticed that the option_description::format_name() method, which is called to format each option while streaming the help message, hard codes the leading characters of the long and short options and as a result there is no way to print the description based on the style I am enforcing. This seems like a serious bug to me. If I am using a style in which options are introduced with a leading forward slash (which is supported) or long options are introduced with a single rather than double hyphen (which too is supported), then I'll end up printing misleading description. I'll try to patch this in my private build without breaking existing interfaces. Would be keen to know if there would be any general interest in such a patch. Regards, Arindam