On Tuesday 26 August 2003 07:36 pm, shyamemani wrote:
I hate writing code in mailing list but here is a sample of what I want to do. I have a tree data strucutre class which fires event and each event has some different parameters that are passed to it. What I want to illustrate is that by calling one register function I get access to three events. In boost.signal this would require that
client call the connect for each event. Is this a good application for this library?
Perhaps not. When you have multiple events going to a single
single source, signal/slot mechanisms aren't as useful as the interface/listener paradigm you are already using. Signals might be appropriate if you had a single event that could be any of those
So combining this response with your response to Edward regarding
standardization of boost.signal, shouldn't this be a big concern,
since the use-case which I illustrated is quite commonly used in
event based systems?
But if this can be ironed out I think providing it as a
language extension is better because then C++ can become a language
which has built-in semantics for use of the standard design
patterns. And then we programmar's and designers can live happily
ever after ....
--- In Boost-Users@yahoogroups.com, Douglas Gregor
enum NodeEvent { node_added, node_changed, node_deleted }; boost::signal
onNodeEvent; This may have some advantages over the iterface/listener approach
you're using
(for instance, the automatic disconnect when trackable objects are destructed or the ability to use Bind/Lambda), but it's very likely that Signals is not the right choice for this interface.