On 9/13/07, Cory Omand
On 9/12/07, Robert Ramey
wrote: Try the following change.
Read the explanation in the "rationale" section.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your reply. I actually did read the rationale section prior to coding this example. However, I would have expected the STATIC_ASSERT trap if I was passing the wrong thing to the serializer (as I did while trying to serialize pointers in a different example). I ended up with the sample code I attached to the previous mail via the serialization test 'test_map.cpp', which does not serialize via a const ref to the map.
When I change my code as you suggest, I still get the same error about 'incomplete type used in name specifier' for boost::serialization::extended_type_info_null
>. I have attached a log including the complete set of errors I get when compiling the sample.
Attachment fell off.