I'm trying to get the Boost thread library working under Microsoft .Net, here is what I've done and the problems I'm seeing. I am currnetly using the regex lib and the date/time classes, which are working. I now want to start creating threads so I follow the given example, and started to get linker errors for xtime_get and boost::thread::sleep. So I look around, and do the bjam -sTOOLS=msvc in the appropriate threads directory and get no errors. It still won't link. I notice that the only boost*.lib files in my vc7\lib dir were from boost_regexp, so I copy 4 files boost_thread(d).dll/lib into that directory. I then explicitely add boost_threadd.lib into the project's link. Ok, so now my application compiles AND links, but it wants boost_threadd.dll when it executes. So I copy boost_threadd.dll into the projects Debug directory wehre the .exe compiles to. Now when I run it, I get a dialog box saying the application failed because "boost_regex_vc7_mdid.dll" can not be loaded! the regex stuff was working FINE and I don't think I did anyhting to change it. So can someone shed some light on this for me, please ? Why does it now want the boost_regex dll? Thanks for any input.. if I've missed some crucial documentation somewhere, sorry.