From what I can see the precompiled library from Hypertable is not finding
I'm having a very strange compilation issue with Boost. I've used boost in
other C++ projects in the past and have had no issues.
I'm writing a program to compile against Hypertable which relies on the
boost 1.44 version of the library. I'm writing this on Intel Linux and
compiling with GCC 4.6.3
Here is my linker command. I removed the .o's from my application to make
it simpler to read:
g++ -L/opt/hypertable/current/lib
-L/home/l3/development/libraries/boost_1_44_0/stage/lib -pthread -o
"AppLogger" MYDOT-O-FILES.o -lboost_system -lboost_iostreams
-lboost_filesystem -lboost_program_options -lboost_thread -lsigar-x86-linux
-lz -lHypertable -lHyperspace -lHyperTools -lHyperComm -lHyperCommon
As you can see I'm including a number of boost libraries but I'm getting a
lot of very strange errors.
For example,
opt/hypertable/current/lib/libHypertable.a(Client.cc.o): In function