Hi Boost-Users, I am a PhD student in Operations Research (OR) and am new to boost/graph. For my research, I am solving some classical integer programs (IP), which often require solving subproblems with common graph structures. I was curious, who out there is using BGL in a similiar manner and if they would be willing to share their experiences/code off or on-line. There are already several algorithms in BGL which are commonly used in IP (shortest path, min spanning tree, etc). In addition, scanning old postings (July 2002), I noticed someone was working on bipartite matching. A repository of these tools seems like it would be a great addition to BGL (especaily for those working on IP). BTW, I am heavily involved in another open-source project called COIN-or, which provides several open-source tools for OR-types (www.coin-or.org) - I think some kind of integration between COIN and BGL could be great. Thanks in advance, Matthew Galati -- Matthew Galati ISE Lehigh University 610.758.4042 (Office) 610.882.0779 (Home) http://sagan.ie.lehigh.edu/mgalati/